More Than Knots

Knot Morphing

Another interesting part of knotting is something called Knot Morphing. I first saw this being practiced by another IGKT member, Richard Wilcox.

Knot Morphing is the ability to reform a knot (such as the Reef knot), without untying it, into another recognizable knot.

Several knots can be morphed into other knots. Examples follow:



Starting Knot

Morphed Knot



 3L4B Turk’s Head knot, flat

 3L4B Turk's head, cylindrical

 3L4B Turk’s Head knot, flat

 Chinese Button knot



 Reef / Square knot

 Lark’s Head knot

 Lark’s Head knot

 Reef / Square knot



 Granny knot

 Clove hitch / Buntline hitch

I will be updating this web page with pictures of examples.
I will also add more knot descriptions as I am able to find them.